Pathways 1 - Listening And Speaking - Student Book With Online Workbook - Second Edition

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Pathways, Second Edition, is a global, five-level academic English program. Carefully-guided lessons develop the language skills, critical thinking, and learning strategies required for academic success. Using authentic and relevant content from National Geographic, including video, charts, and other infographics, Pathways prepares students to work effectively and confidently in an academic environment.- Authentic and relevant content from National Geographic, including video, charts, and other infographics, prepares students to work effectively and confidently in an academic environment.- Explicit and clear skill introduction and practice throughout the program helps learners to develop language proficiency and develop academic skills.- Critical thinking activities are integrated throughout each unit, and help develop independent learners.- Viewing in each unit uses engaging and relevant National Geographic video clips to give learners additional content and skills practice.- Integrated exam tasks prepare students for standardized tests like TOEFL and IELTS.
ISBN 9781337562515
Autores Chase, Becky Tarver (Autor) ; Johannsen, Kristin L. (Autor) ; Macintyre, Paul (Autor) ; Najafi, Kathy (Autor) ; Fettig, Cyndy (Autor)
Editora National Geographic Learning - Cengage
Coleção/Serie Pathways - Second Edition
Idioma Inglês Americano
Faixa etária Jovens Adultos (15-21) à Adultos (+21)
Níveis de ensinoIniciante (A1) à Avançado (C1)
Edição 2
Ano de edição 2017
Páginas 228
Acabamento Brochura
Dimensões 27,40 X 21,60
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LIVRARIA INTERNACIONAL-SBS LTDA. - CNPJ: 03.608.306/0001-13 © Todos os direitos reservados. 2024

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