A Chinese Artist In Harlem - Footprint Reading Library - British English - Level 6 - Book

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Ming is an artist from China who now lives and works in New York City. He teaches children in the public school system how to draw and paint. However, he also teaches them something else that's very important. What does Ming teach the children and why is it so important?
Autor(a)Waring, Rob (Autor)
EditoraNational Geographic Learning - Cengage
Coleção/SerieFootprint Reading Library
IdiomaInglês Britânico
Faixa etáriaAdolescentes (11-14)
Níveis de ensinoElementar (A2) à Avançado (C1)
Ano de edição2008
Dimensões 20,60 X 14,70
R$ 40,00 R$ 5,00
ou R$ 4,75 via Pix
Comprar Estoque: 2 dias úteis
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