Afghanistan's Heroic Artists - Footprint Reading Library - American English - Level 8 - Book

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When the Taliban took control of Afghanistan, the religious group aimed to destroy any artistic expression that violated their strict interpretation of Islamic rules. A group of Afghan artists risked death by disobeying the Taliban to preserve the artwork of their country. Who are the men that saved Afghanistan's art? How did they do it?
Autor(a)Waring, Rob (Autor)
EditoraNational Geographic Learning - Cengage
Coleção/SerieFootprint Reading Library
IdiomaInglês Americano
Faixa etáriaAdolescentes (11-14)
Níveis de ensinoElementar (A2) à Avançado (C1)
Ano de edição2009
Dimensões 20,50 X 14,90
R$ 40,00
ou R$ 38,00 via Pix
Comprar Estoque: 2 dias úteis
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