Complete Guide To The Ielts - Iwb Intensive Revision Guide

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The Complete Guide to IELTS deconstructs the IELTS test and works systematically through each paper, covering all task types, text types and skills. No stone is left unturned. The material can be used in class or by students working on their own. Each lesson offers task analysis, sample questions, tips and tactics, and skills-building exercises Separate vocabulary lessons deal with the common lexical features of the IELTS reading passage types and listening sections. Engaging and motivating National Geographic video lessons increase students’ familiarity with the listening task types A Language Resource Bank provides a comprehensive grammar reference and practice exercises covering all the grammar needed for the test Full practice test available
ISBN 9781285837796
Autores Rogers, Bruce (Autor) ; Kenny, Nick (Autor)
Editora National Geographic Learning - Cengage
Idioma Inglês Britânico
Ano de edição 2015
Acabamento CD-ROM
Dimensões 27,90 X 20,30

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