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Structural heart disease interventions are a diverse group of novel treatments that have evolved from a small number of procedures to an impressive array of new approaches to diseases that have been traditionally managed by surgery and medical therapy. This Manual has been prepared for use by physicians and non-physicians who have an interest in SHD interventions and desire a practical, comprehensive, clinical, and compact summary of established and emerging percutaneous interventions. The chapters are authored by recognized experts from around the world.

There are five major sections including:

1) Core Knowledge in SHD Intervention

2) Specialized Skills for the Interventionalist/Surgeon

3) Closure of Congenital and Acquired Defects in Adults

4) Transcatheter Therapy for Valvular Disease

5) Additional Specialized SHD Interventions

AutoresCarroll, John D.; Webb, John G.
EditoraLippincott Williams & Wilkins
IdiomaInglês Americano
Ano de edição2011
AcabamentoCapa Dura
Dimensões 29,00 X 22,00
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