The Great Kite Fight - Footprint Reading Library - American English - Level 6 - Book

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Every year, the city of Shirone, Japan goes 'kite crazy' during a five-day local festival. In this highly competitive contest, teams fly kites and fight to force each other's kites from the sky. This tradition began 250 years ago and people of all ages still enjoy the celebration. How do teams fight with kites? What does it take to win?
Autor(a)Waring, Rob (Autor)
EditoraNational Geographic Learning - Cengage
Coleção/SerieFootprint Reading Library
IdiomaInglês Americano
Faixa etáriaAdolescentes (11-14)
Níveis de ensinoElementar (A2) à Avançado (C1)
Ano de edição2008
Dimensões 20,60 X 14,70
R$ 40,00 R$ 5,00
ou R$ 4,75 via Pix
Comprar Estoque: 2 dias úteis
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